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Over the summer my Mom introduced me to Graze
This delicious website sends you a box of four healthy snacks every 2 weeks. Not only are these treats healthy and adorable, they are already portioned out. This means you won't eat a whole bag of chips and end up hating yourself. Instead you eat the proper portion of a snack that will refuel you and boost your energy.
How It Works
Every two weeks (depending on how you set it up) you will receive a brown box in the mail. That's right, it comes directly to you! Inside you will find four snacks which you can then go online and rate. Graze regulates what you like and dislike to send you better snacks (much like Pandora)
Each snack box costs about $6. You sign up online and connect your choice of card for the payments. Before you leave because this isn't free take note.
1 Bag of potato chips is about $3 (plus tax) and you can't just buy one!
You get four healthy but somehow delicious snacks for $6 including shipping! You can't pass that up!
The Best Part
Graze is invite only.
But don't worry because I'm inviting you now! Congratulations!
Now you can join this yummy snack community too! (high fives all around) All you have to do is use my Friend Code.
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! Once you've used my Friend Code to join Graze you receive your first box of goodies for FREE, and if you hang around long enough you get your fifth box for FREE as well!
So what are you waiting for? Get your Graze on!
**Disclaimer: Graze has not paid me to express my views of their product or asked me to do so. I have expressed my feelings on my own accord**