Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Today is the day we celebrate the woman who brought us into this world! I love my Mom so much though that one day a year is not enough to appreciate her!

My Mother has taught me so many things about life! How to share, how to be kind, the importance of respecting your leaders, and how to be lady like. Without her help in my life I don't know who I would be! No matter what I decided to do my Mom was my biggest fan, she always pushed me to do my best and reminds me constantly that she is proud of me. She is the funniest person I know, with her sarcasm and giggles it's always a blast when we're together!

Besides being sweet and loving my Mom is tough as nails. No joke! We recently discovered that my Mom has breast cancer. (read her blog to see how she is doing) Having your Mom visit you at college and tell you she has breast cancer is something I would not enjoy reliving. Watching as she displayed faith in God, and peace about breast cancer has been simply amazing. I always knew my Mom was one tough cookie but this newest development just takes the cake!

Being a stay at home Mom, my Mother has quickly become my best friend and I KNOW she will always be! When I walk down that aisle on my wedding day she WILL be there, when I become a Mother in the years to come she will be my role model. My whole life I have always wanted to become like my Mom. There's no other woman in this world I want to be most like

She is my best friend, my biggest fan, my support team, she tolerates me the best when I go crazy, and no matter what I know she will always be there for me. Thank you Mom for being my hero and my role model for so many years and for the years to come! I love you so much and cannot wait to see all the fun things that we will get into this summer!!

1 comment:

  1. You my dear are amazing! I love you and am so blessed God chose ME to be YOUR Mom! We have always had a special relationship and I know we always will, NO MATTER where God takes you! God knows the desires of my heart - The plans He has for me! Just like He knows the plans He has for you.

    I am looking forward to being around to see you marry the young man I've been praying for since you were 3, and holding those beautiful grand-babies you're gonna have, and watching you turn a house into a home and follow GOD one step at a time, trusting in HIM to give you the desires of your heart and meet your every need, just like he's done for me.

